Tuesday, May 19, 2020

You Can't Separate A Fruit From It's Tree!!

The hospital scene from the movie Malcolm X https://youtu.be/5Uoy6xy5AFM

Today is Malcolm X aka El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, Celebration of Life (Birthday).

The first time, I ever heard of Malcolm X I was in the 8th grade. My assistant teacher in my social studies class. Noticed, I was a poor speller and I had poor hand writing.
She told me, when, I do my homework. I should use a dictionary to look up words that I did not know how to spell. She then told me about Malcolm X how he studied the dictionary and looked up every word in it. That he also wrote every word and their definition.

She asked me did I have a dictionary, I told her no and she got me one. I still have it until this day and just like Malcolm X. I made a attempt to study each word and write them all down along with their definitions.

Fast forward, several years later. Through a neighbor friend who end up joining the Nation of Islam while in prison. He introduced me to the teachings of the Nation of Islam. This was shortly before the movie Malcolm X came out.

I never visited the Nation of Islam mosque with my friend nor did I go see the movie. I was still clinging onto the world.

When I finally ordered the movie Malcolm X when it came on pay-per-view it blew my mind. Especially, the hospital scene and I regretted that I never visited the mosque. I contacted my friend and I told him I wanted to visit the mosque, he told me he would take me but he never did.

I forgot about the mosque until something tragic reminded me. Hopefully, I will share that a later time.

Back to Malcolm X. When I later became conscious and I read his autobiography. I was more impressed with him more than the movie.

I was hurt when he got put out the Nation of Islam but he was insubordinate to his teacher, (The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad) instructions. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad instructed all his Ministers not speak on President John F. Kennedy assassination. Malcolm X was disobedient so he got silenced for 90 days for his comment the chickens coming home to roost.

While Malcolm X was on suspension he began speaking ill about his teacher, (The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad). Agents and hypocrites was feeding and promoting Malcolm X to go against his teacher.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan joined the Nation of Islam in New York City and became a student of Malcolm X. He even joined the ministry class in New York City under Malcolm X and when The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan moved back to Boston. It was Malcolm X who recommended that he be made the Minister there. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad made Minister Louis Farrakhan the captain instead but he worked his way up.

Eventually, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan became the Minister of Boston and later in New York. Minister Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X were good friends. But when Malcolm X started speaking ill about The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Minister Louis Farrakhan defended their teacher.

Some may ask, why would he defend The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad instead of Malcolm X? Even though, Malcolm X was Minister Louis Farrakhan teacher, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was both of their teacher.

It is just like Bruce Lee had his own students but Ip Man is their master (teacher). He is the one responsible for Bruce Lee.

I shared all that to say, even though, I love and respect Malcolm X as one of our greatest Black leaders. I do not like how people try to discredit his teacher (The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad).

Just like Bruce Lee became a good teacher, he had a teacher that made him good. The same way with Malcolm X.

Let us give honor and respect to Malcolm X without dishonoring and disrespecting his teacher. Because….

You can't separate a fruit from it's tree!!

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To Complete My Education

  Greetings,  My name is Damon Muhammad. I am currently a student at National American University working on my Doctorate’s Degree.   Growin...