Thursday, November 26, 2020

Trials And Tribulations


Years ago, I wrote one of my all-time favorite writer and Minister, Jabril Muhammad. Who has a weekly column in The Final Call Newspaper. I asked him a question relating to trials in life.

He wrote me back sharing a story that The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad shared with him about a donkey that fell in a ditch. The people of the town and their children came out mocking the donkey and throwing rocks at it.

They did it daily, until, there was enough rocks in the ditch that the donkey was able to climb out.

Jabril Muhammad also told me in that letter, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad told him, “what appears to be against you is sometimes for you, every knock is a boost.”

Our trials and tribulations may appear to be against us but they are really for us. To help build us and mold us. Our trials and tribulations can make us stronger especially if we do not allow them to break us.

It is like working out. If you never worked out before or have not worked out in a long time. It is going to be painful but if you continue it will not be painful as it was.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “pressure makes a diamond.” Our trials and tribulations is making diamonds out of us. One day, after we meet and overcome our trials and tribulations we will be bright shining diamonds (smile)!!

Below is one of my classic songs titled “Trials And Tribulations” enjoy!!

To Complete My Education

  Greetings,  My name is Damon Muhammad. I am currently a student at National American University working on my Doctorate’s Degree.   Growin...