Friday, February 26, 2021

A Savior Was Born


At the age of 9, I began to believe that there was not a God. I did not grow up in a religious home. We rarely visited anyone’s church, my mom said there is a God but did not teach who He was. 

I remember, I asked my mom what did God look like? She showed me a little picture she had of a White Jesus knocking on a door and she said that he was God. I remember, that, day like it was yesterday. I was 9 years old and that is when I began disbelieving that there is a God.

Some or a lot you that is reading this may be wondering why? Me as a 9 year old, that, rarely attended church who grew up in the hood/ghetto of San Diego, CA. The only time, I saw White people was when I attended my elementary school with my White teachers and predominantly White classmates. I got a taste and I experienced White supremacy so this assisted in my disbeliefs in God, especially, if He was White!!

At the age 13, I started gang banging and hustling. My disbeliefs there is a God fully grew and I did not know what to call it until a year later. While, watching the movie “Boyz n the Hood” with my best friend who is like my brother. Ice Cube character, (Doughboy) was saying to Cuba Gooding Jr character, (Tre) that he did not believe there was a God and if there was one, why was He allowing people to get killed? It was then, I told my best friend, I believe like Doughboy and my friend said, “you are a atheist.” That is when I became a atheist or knew what to call myself.

It was not until I was 19 years old, I became a believer in God. As, I shared before one fatal night while at a gas station with one of my homeboys/a friend, I got out of the car with him while he was pumping gas. Two guys with blue rags over their faces was shooting at us. That night opened up my eyes and I became a believer that there is a God because our lives was spared!!

It was not until, I joined the Nation of Islam a few months later that my beliefs that there is a God was confirmed…. 

At first, I was hesitant to accept the beliefs that God came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad because of His skin complexion and His title “Master.” The more, I asked questions and studied. The more, I became a believer and a knower!!

As I studied, I learned why Master Fard Muhammad carried the title “Master” and why He came in fair skin. He carried the title “Master” because He became a master of Himself and by gaining the knowledge of Self, others, and the worlds. He came in fair skin because His father, (Alfonso) a dark skin Black man could not come Himself. 

His father knew that the government of America was looking for the Black Messiah and His father knew Black people would not accept His skin complexion. Why?! Because we were taught self-hatred, we were taught Jesus (the son of God) was White, which, subconsciously made his father (God White) which made us, (Black people), love and worship White people as gods.

So, Master Fard Muhammad had to come as the scriptures written of Him as a thief in the night and no one knew the hour and the time He would come but Him. He came unexpected. 

On February 26, 1877 in the Holy city, Mecca, Arabia a Savior was born!!

To learn more about Master Fard Muhammad and His coming please read the following:


Matthew 24:27

Romans 8:3

To Complete My Education

  Greetings,  My name is Damon Muhammad. I am currently a student at National American University working on my Doctorate’s Degree.   Growin...