Friday, August 28, 2020

Has Things Changed?

There is so much going on here in America, I cannot even think about the whole world. Just recently another unarmed Black male was shot by the police 7 times in the back!!

A 17-year-old White boy shot innocent protesters and killed two!!

Today of this writing thousands of people are at a march in Washington, DC during this pandemic COVID – 19. It is still like we are living in the ’60s.

The same thing our grandparents and our great grandparents went through, we are going through today!!

A lot of Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics are saying we need to get Trump out of the office!! We need to get Joe Biden in.

Like that is going to make things better?!

I am not trying to discourage anyone from voting if that is what you want to do. But DO NOT get your hopes high thinking things are going to change just because you get a different White man in a different political party in office.

It is like replacing Satan with Lucifer. Guess what? That is the same person!!

Donald Trump is like a poison snake in the open and Joe Biden is like a poison snake behind a bush.

I rather deal with the snake that I can see and know what to expect. Than deal with the unexpected!!

If Joe Biden wins, do you all really think things are going to change?!

I am not trying to be negative, but I truly doubt it. Things are not going to change until we (Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics) unite and pull our resources to create something to call our own. We need our own land and our own government!!

We should hold our votes because our people been voting for years and getting the same results. By holding our votes, we can give the Republicans and Democrats a list of demands.

On the list of demands we can request we I stated some land that we can call our own because we been waiting for our forty acres and a mule way too long!!

#BlackUnity #BlackLivesMatter #HoldYourVotes


Friday, August 14, 2020

Guilty By Affiliation


This blog was inspired by a childhood friend who I was having a conversation with via inbox on Facebook.

We were reminiscing about our Pop Warner football days and basically how we were young and innocent.

How we both lived in different neighborhoods along with our fellow teammates and we were all once friends.

Until…. We grew older and started joining our neighborhood gangs and that changed everything.

The older we got, the worse it got!!

We started sitting in separate circles according to our gangs or the gangs we were allies with.

From there it became fists fights and eventually someone killing a person who once was their friend.

I remember one year our football team became one of the worse and our coaches quit on us.

Our problem wasn’t that we had sorry players, we had some of the best players in the city and we played together for many years.

The problem we were divided because of our gang affiliation.

The coaches that took over our team had to cut some of our best players and threatened to cut more of us.

We decided to settle our differences and bang on the field, meaning represent what we loved, (football)!!

We did not make it to the playoffs that year, we went to what they called the toilet bowl.

But, we ran up the scoreboard on the teams that we played and the other teams' parents were wondering how we did not make it the playoffs?!

The falling year, we made it to last around of playoffs and that would be the last year that some of us would actually play football together.

Some of us went on to play in high school while others would end going to juvenile, later to prison, and or to that grave!!

My friend that inspired this blog, we both admitted to each other neither one of us was about that life (gang-banging), we were both just guilty by affiliation.

As the saying goes, “you are who you hang with.”

My friend and I became gang members because who we hanged with and that was our neighborhood friends.

So parents, monitor who your children hang with!!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Lead By Example


I know the title and the pictures of this blog may have thrown some people off but I purposely as always chose these pictures for a divine reason. That reason is to show that Black/African American men do play a part in their child or children lives. We (Black/African American men) usually always get negative reviews and remarks that we are deadbeat dads!!

Not saying that there are not some out there but we always focus on the negative and less on the positive. I grew up without my dad and him and I do not have a close relationship. My dad has been in and out of jail and prison for half of my life. The negative, I experienced with him, I made it positive as motivation.

Even though I had a couple of failed marriages but all my daughters were born in those marriages. I can gladly say, I was there the day they all were born and I was there when they all took their first steps. My relationship is not the best with all of them but they know they have a dad who is striving to be right and who is God-fearing. They all know even though, they do not get to see me as they like. They know, that, I love them and care for them. And my goals and my plans are now all for them and their future children.

Over the years, I have learned that we must lead our children by being examples. I never did like the saying, “Do What I Say And Not What I Do.” That was one thing my dad told me that stuck in my head because it bothered me. I knew then as I know now, that, we as parents need to lead by example. Especially us Black/African American men. We cannot tell our children to get a good education when we have not tried, we cannot tell them to get a good job, and or start their own business when we have not tried!!

Our children will do as we do and not what we say because actions speak louder than words. So if we want our children to do something, we must lead by example. And that way, if, our children go astray they cannot say, I did what you did!! They can say, you were right and I was wrong but I had to learn on my own.

To Complete My Education

  Greetings,  My name is Damon Muhammad. I am currently a student at National American University working on my Doctorate’s Degree.   Growin...